Modern Slavery Declaration
Last updated: August 26, 2024
This statement is designed to satisfy the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”), by setting out the approach of Alpha MD to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and labour rights violations in its supply chains.
We continue to take our responsibility to prevent modern slavery and trafficking within our supply chain seriously.
Our status, operations, and supply chain
• Alpha MD was incorporated at Companies House on 28 February 2019. Our registration number is 11862368.
• We work in the UK, India, The USA and a number of other countries.
• This statement relates to Alpha MD and its subsidiary entities such as Liberate Pro Healthcare Ltd.
• Alpha MD has a diverse supply chain, with procurement carried out both centrally and within local markets and is guided by its corporate policies.
Current Procurement policy and processes
• Alpha MD ensures that all potential and incumbent suppliers are dealt with professionally, fairly and ethically and that we uphold the principles of sustainable procurement at all times. Our procedures also comply with UK law and address environmental management, health and safety and equality legislation.
• Suppliers are evaluated on criteria including their approach to risk; environmental sustainability; health and safety; modern slavery and safeguarding.
• We require our suppliers to maintain their standards while supplying us. We have a variety of channels both internally and externally facing which facilitate the raising of concerns over supplier behaviour.
Identifying and Managing Risk
• We use a structured approach to ensure that the high-risk categories and countries are identified, and that relevant and proportionate due diligence is carried out to ensure that risk can be identified and appropriately managed.
• As part of Alpha MD’s due diligence process, the supplier approval process will incorporate a review of controls undertaken by the supplier.
Managing Risk and Adherence to The Act
Our standard supplier contract and grant agreements include modern slavery and human trafficking undertakings. We expect our supply chain to respect and comply with all applicable laws, including The Act, and under our standard contracts and grants, Alpha MD reserves the right to terminate its arrangements with a supplier which is found to be in breach of The Act.
Social responsibility and human rights
• Alpha MD is committed to respect for human rights and to acting in a socially responsible manner in our operations and programming. All our work seeks to support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and to ensure that our staff, offices and supply chains are not complicit in human rights abuses.
• We recognise the importance of ensuring all our staff understand how modern slavery manifests itself and how to report when it does. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
Next steps
Alpha MD is committed to continuous improvement in this area and will review and monitor and, where necessary, enhance our standards, policies and procedures, as well as improve the training and communications about The Act.
Organisational Declaration
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The statement has been approved by the Board of Alpha MD.
Alpha MD
London and Mumbai, India
August 2024